
Nevada Insurance Education Foundation was established in 1969 through the joint efforts of the University of Nevada System and the Nevada Independent Insurance Agents.  It is controlled by a board of trustees comprised of men and women who have had many years of experience in the insurance business and educators from the Universities.  Day to day operations are handled by the staff of Public Agency Risk Management Services, Inc.

Operating expenses during the initial years were funded by Life Members, grants from state and local insurance associations, as well as contributions from interested individuals and some insurance companies.  Over the years donations have been received from individuals, insurance agencies and companies to support N.I.E.F. efforts and to create Memorial Scholarships in honor of key industry persons.

The directors of the Foundation are grateful to Nevada Independent Insurance Agents, the Professional Insurance Agents, as well as many companies and individuals for their generous support. While we rely on our investments to enable us to sustain our programs, we welcome additional financial support from segments of the insurance industry and the business community.   The Foundation calls upon all segments of the risk management and insurance industry for additional and continuing help to maintain and expand our awards programs.

Weems, Robert C. 2001. Business for Nevada: the College of Business Administration, University of Nevada, Reno, 1887-2000. Reno, Nev.: College of Business Administration and the Black Rock Press, University of Nevada, Reno.

In his books, Dr. Weems describes the founding of the Nevada Insurance Education Foundation. Excerpts from his book credit Edwin Semenza, a local Nevada insurance agent, with spearheading the establishment of programs and scholarships for insurance students at the University of Nevada in 1969. Other insurance professionals joined the effort including Remo Fratini of Reno; Charles Marriage of Carson City; Larsh Kellogg of Las Vegas. These leaders approached and gained support from the Nevada Association of Independent Insurance Agents resulting in a chair of insurance being established at the College of Business Administration supported by NIEF and the university. NIEF also funded a scholarship program for insurance students.

The Nevada Insurance Education Foundation has been qualified as a non-profit educational organization by the Internal Revenue Service so contributions are tax deductible. No. 23-7068824. If your organization would like to contribute to the Foundation efforts, contact us or click here.

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